Select your option below to instantly purchase and customize a Gift Certificate, good for any Experience (Specific) or for a dollar amount (Generic), your choice!
Your message and design are totally customizable and your Gift Certificate will be ready instantly!
Gift Card Usage Policy: Gift Card sales are final and expire after 1 year, except where prohibited by law. If applicable, all Gift Cards will incur a 25% fee per month, starting in the 13th month after purchase.
We're phasing out the manual purchase system below, so please use the system above. It is both instant and a cost savings! Gift Certificates purchased below have a 10% service charge and take 24 hours to arrive via email.
Gift Certificates can be given in dollar amounts ($300 towards any Sushi By Simon experience) or by experience (2 spots in any one Deluxe Class). The options below can also be combined for larger dollar amounts. Contact us for custom experiences not shown below.
Gift Certificates

Basic Sushi Kit or Gift Basket - shipped

Private Sushi Event - Executive Chef

Private Sushi Event- Staff Chef

$300 Gift Certificate

Private Sushi Event - Executive Chef, out of town